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Disability Insurance 

People mostly understand the need for life insurance, but many do not understand the need for disability insurance. Your Alberta health plan can generally help you with your medical bills, but should you become disabled, to replace lost income in the short or long-term, you will need disability insurance. If you are the main income-earner in your household for example, just imagine the financial burden your family will bear if you suddenly couldn’t earn any income. This is where disability insurance comes in handy.


To protect your income and your lifestyle, in partnership with the leading disability insurance providers we represent, we can find the best custom disability insurance plan that will give you adequate coverage during the challenging time that you are down with some form of disability. 


What is Disability Insurance?

Disability Insurance is a form of insurance that protects your earned income against the risk of a disability preventing you from doing your job. Disability can result from an injury, a degenerative health condition, or a psychological disorder. Loss of income due to a disability for both employed people and business owners can pose a serious financial difficulty. Life has its ups and downs, and planning ahead for unforeseen life misadventures is a good way to secure your finances. 


To protect your income from disability caused by a sudden life-changing accident or due to the diagnosis of a critical health condition, investing in a disability insurance plan early in your career is worthwhile. This will reduce the financial distress associated with loss of income as well as put you and your family at ease during your disability and recovery period. Disability insurance will make a huge difference to you and your recovery. It will help you concentrate on your treatment and rehabilitation instead of worrying about where the funds for your daily living expenses and treatment will come from because you are out of work. 


Affordable Disability Insurance Plans​

At Mission Insurance, we understand that insurance against an accident or disease that prevents you from working is of utmost importance to you. So, we offer you a wide choice of affordable disability insurance plans that can replace your income up to 70% at competitive prices. Our partner insurance providers have different types of disability insurance plans, and each plan type has specific rules as to what constitutes a disability, and how you might qualify to receive a disability benefit. Our dedicated advisors will work closely with you and guide you through the process of securing the best plan that will give you the best disability coverage. â€‹


Before you invest in a disability insurance plan, you need to consider the length of the elimination period, the benefit period, and how strictly disability is defined in the policy. 


The two most popular definitions of disability are "own occupation," where you are deemed disabled if you are no longer able to perform the occupation you had prior to becoming disabled, and "any occupation," where you are deemed disabled if you are unable to perform any job at all.  


The process of seeking disability insurance can be daunting because you will have to consider many factors. However, with Mission Insurance, you are guaranteed a seamless process. From our pool of best disability insurance plans, we can match you with the right policy that meets your unique requirements based on your profession, income, and financial plans. 

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